Tuesday 22 March 2016

#4) The Skit

#4) The Skit /4
  • Create a skit based on what you learned & perform for the class
  • Brainstorming notes/ideas must be evident in your process journal
  • Inform Ms. Echols IN ADVANCE when you would like to preform.
  • Your peers will evaluate & provide feedback.

#3) The Letter

#3) The Letter /4
  • Write a 1 page letter to the guest speaker
  • Give them feedback on their presentation and write about how you felt and what you learned.
  • Typed or written (If written it MUST BE TIDY & EASY TO READ!)

#2) The Written Response

#2) The Written Response /4
  • 3 paragraphs, typed in 12pt. font, printed, & handed in to Ms. Echols
  • The paragraphs should answer the following questions in this order:
  1. What? (What did we learn about?)
  2. So what? (Why/how is this relevant to me?)
  3. Now what? (How do I incorporate this new knowledge into my life?)

#1) The Visual Response

#1) The Visual Response /4
  • Must be done in your process journal (or glued/taped in after it's made)
  • Drawings
  • Diagrams & text
  • Collage
  • All of the above

What is a "Formal Response" anyways?

After writing notes & gathering information, you will frequently be asked  to create a "Formal Response" in Planning 10 with Ms. Echols. Your responses will be marked out of 4.

1= not evident
2= approaching expectations
3= meeting expectations
4= exceeding expectations 

Why do we do these...what's the point?
  • Creates deeper understanding
  • Important to learn how to interpret information & put into your own words (prevents plagiarism).
  • Formal responses are much easier to read/process/mark (your notes can be as messy as you want, as long as you can read them).
  • Presentation matters!
  • You are creating your own time capsule, "text book for life," that (in theory) you will be able to look back upon years from now.

There many different types of learners in the world, so there are 4 options for your "Formal Responses"....

#1) The Visual Response /4
#2) The Written Response /4
#3) The Letter /4
#4) The Skit /4